There are a lot of talents in the pool of
Filipina Actresses today. What I am interested is who are the Filipina actresses who are good in cooking. Then I saw in the news about Judy Ann Santos who is known to be good when it come to cooking.
It is not just a coincidence that Juday is good in cooking because of her prime time TV show that deals with cooking. According to her, it is actually her inclination to cook. She loves to cook for her friends and family members. In fact, she even went to a culinary school and that was the news in the TV about her. She went back to school just to learn more about cooking in preparation of her being a wife.
Now, it is evident that she is really good in culinary arts due to the fact that her husband is getting fat. Kidding aside, Juday is one of the Filipina actresses that really enjoys and is really good in cooking.